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First Days in Accra

Accra,  Spent the first day on foot finding embassies for our other border crossings.  After a two hour walk to find the Burkina Faso embassy we arrived to find it closed for a Burkina Faso Holiday.  Many street names do not match the maps so we are pretty much navigating by landmarks and street layouts on the maps we have.  This seems to be a result of many of the street names being political in nature and changing as administrations change.  Second day we ventured out on bikes.  Traffic is thick, the air is thick, but people are very friendly and the traffic while hectic and horns everywhere is very respectful and well behaved.  We are able to move through the city at about the same speed as the cars so it is easier than it looks.  People run lights, pull out in busy streets, pass on all sides and generally fill all of the available space, but nobody is mean or angry at anytime.  We feel very safe.  No aggressive sales or swindle tactics at all.  Today we pick up the last of our visas and head out early tomorrow morning for the east Volta lake region.  Can’t wait to get out of the city.  Our host house through Airbnb has been great, and the people very friendly and welcoming but it will be nice to get out of the dirty air of the city.  

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